『英会話タイムトライアル「12月DAY1」 12月2日(月)』 (2025)





And starting this month, we are cruising the Caribbean.
This month, we’re going to Jamaica.

How do you say it in Japanese, Jenny?

Digital help in Jamaica.

The cruise ship has Wi-Fi.

There is Wi-Fi on the cruise ship.


*cruise ship

The Wi-Fi in the lobby is free.

The Wi-Fi in the lobby is super slow.

>very=> super

The Wi-Fi in the cabin isn’t free.

We have to pay for the Wi-Fi in the cabin.

*cabin / room

The Wi-Fi is four dollars a day.

*per day / a day

Stable 安定している

Be stable

The Wi-Fi in the cabin is pretty stable.

The Wi-Fi in the gym is super fast.

Yesterday, the Wi-Fi wasn’t very stable.

The Wi-Fi wasn’t very stable yesterday.

Iffy :「不確かな」「怪しい」「頼りない」
=> Yesterday, the Wi-Fi was iffy.




Let's finish this month's lesson with this.

It’s our last conversation already? Wow. That was fast.

Imagine this…

Iceland is famous for its hot springs. So, let’s go to an outdoor, hot spring in Iceland.

The sun is going to come up soon. It’s wonderful moment to enjoy the hot water and the beautiful scenery.

As we soak in the nice hot spring, we will make some small talk.

Did you imagine the situation?

So, try to have a six-turn conversation as we enjoy an early morning outdoor hot spring together.

-The sun hasn’t risen yet and it looks like no one is here. Should we go in the hot spring now?

-Sure. The sun will come out soon. Let’s go in.

-In we go! Nice and hot. How do you like the temperature of the water?

-It feels great. It’s not as hot as I expected though.

-The steam is beautiful. Wonderful hot spring, isn’t it?

-Yeah, and it’s so big.

-So, have you been following the news lately?

-Well, I don’t really follow the news when I’m abroad.

-I’ve been following the news about the new U.S president. Were you surprised by the results?

--Yeah, I didn’t expect Sean Parrish to win.

-Oh, here comes the sun.

-Well, I hope the new president fixes some problems in the new year. How do you feel about the coming New Year?

-I hope there will be more peace in the world.


Let’s talk about hot springs.

Tell me about your experiences with hot springs in Japan?

Well, I used to live in Tohoku. So, I love hot springs. They’re so relaxing.

I see.

But I have three sisters. I love hot springs, but they were too shy to use the hot springs without a bathing suit.

They didn’t want to go in naked.


I see.

They didn’t want to go in naked. So, they waited until the hot spring empty and then went in one bye one.

Your three sisters didn’t want to go in without a bathing suit together.


They went one by one.

It took a long time.

I get. I didn’t know that. Okay, so there are some things where people form Ireland are a little shy about.

They’re really shy compared to Japanese people.


It was so great to travel around Wales, Scotland, Ireland and Iceland. And keep practicing everyone. You'll get better and better each month.

The Caribbean.

So, just enjoy your trip around the Caribbean and you can look forward to a new conversation partner.

A new journey will begin next month.



It’s Thursday. Let’s practice the phrase we learned this week and we’ll get you ready for actual conversations.

Did you hear the news about the election?

Most people were surprised.

It hasn’t sunk in yet.

He seems serious and smart.

Looks like he has a lot of support.

How do you feel about the coming New Year?

I hope there’ll be peace in the world.

Have you been following the news about..?

So, use this phrase to ask about a news topic. Let’s create.

Have you been following the news about..?

Have you been following the news about UFO sighting?

Have you been following the news about inflation?

.. is all over the news.

My hometown is all over the news.

Governor ~'s reelection is all over the news.

I didn’t expect

I didn’t expect the alien to be so small.

I didn’t expect it to get so cold so suddenly.

Have you been following the news lately?

-Yeah, but I don’t really follow the news often.

-No, not really. But there are a couple of news stories that have caught my attention

Were you surprised by the results of the US presidential election?

-Yeah, I didn’t expect Sean Parish to win.

-Yes and no. I had a feeling that this might happen.

How do you feel about the coming New Year?

-I hope there will be more peace in the world.

- I long for world peace.

- I wish for a more peaceful world.

It hasn’t sunk in yet.

  • It doesn't feel real yet.
  • It hasn't hit me yet.
  • I'm still trying to wrap my head around it.
  • I haven't come to terms with it yet.
  • It hasn't really sunk in.
  • I can't quite believe it.

And now you're ready for tomorrow. Let's have a conversation over the radio. You're going to a famous hot spring in Iceland.

It's called the Blue Lagoon. It's gonna be fun.



What do you think of the new Prime Minister?

*What do you think of, that question is not saying only あなたの考えは何ですか?意見は何ですか?
It’s often used very lightly to ask your impression.

=> How do you feel?

Okay, here's some sample reaplies to that questions.

He seems nice. <> He is nice.

He seems kind.

Both are okay.

He seems serious and smart.

*Do you understand these adjectives?

真面目 serious

頭がよい smart

Smart is usually not about someone’s body, it’s about their brain.

I don’t have a solid opinion of him yet.

Opinion of

Looks like he has a lot of support.

The Japanese 指示されている could be he is supported. But in English, you’ll often hear, has support. Looks like he has a lot of support.

What do you think of the new English teacher.

I don’t really know her well yet.

Looks like her lessons are popular.

The coming new year

How do you feel about the coming new year?

You could also say,

What do you think about the coming new year?

It’s almost same as how do you feel. Of course, How do you feel talks about someone’s feelings.

I hope there will be peace in the world.

You can also say,

I hope the world will be peaceful or I hope the world will have peace.



Surprising news

That’s a great topic for small talk.

Now, I’ll say something in Japanese and you’ll express it in English.

Did you hear the news about the election?

*This is another great question for small talk.

Did you hear the news about … ?
Especially for surprising news, you can use that.

I was surprised by the news.

How do you say, 友達みんな

All of my friends

All of my friends were shocked.

Election results

Were you surprised by the election results?

Most people were surprised.

*Did you remember how to say ほとんどの人?

Most people

The next one is a review from a few months back. Here is it.


It hasn’t sunk in yet.

*sink in

I didn’t expect Jenny to win.

*予想する is expect.
So, if you’re talking about surprising news, I didn’t expect something…

You can also use it to complement something.
I didn’t expect such a wonderful meel.

Here’s one more phrase with expect.

Everyone expected Steve to win.

I hope she does well.

*期待する is usually not expect. You can say it with, I hope.

I’m happy for her.

Don't just practice listeing or understanding. Practice speaking and you'll get better day by day.


11月25日(月) 11月18日(月)

And here’s your conversation partner.

Hi everyone, it’s Nora. I’m just a little sad. Because this Friday, we will have our final conversation together. But we’ll enjoy one of Iceland’s famous hot springs.

See you then.

Thanks Nora. Yeah, it will be your final conversation with Nora.


Have you been following the news lately?

Following is a good way to express watching, reading or checking your phone and talking about the news.

I haven’t been following the news lately.

The U.S president

The American president

Everyone has been following the news about the new U.S president.


The news about…

Again, we use following. Everyone has been following the news about something.

Have you been following the news about the Nobel Peace Prize?

I don’t really follow the news.

I don’t follow sports at all.

Do you follow European soccer?

I’m a big fun of Italian soccer.

What’s in the news today?

This is a good phrase you can use every day, What’s in the news today?

Jenny is all over the news today.


In Japanese 持ちきり used for 話題 or news. And the way to say it in English is something is all over the news.



And here’s your conversation partner around the Atlantic.

Hi everyone. I’m Nora Kennedy. Just try to complete the conversation with me today, in your own words.

How did you do? Did you try to reply each time?


Here’s entrance to ice cave. Are you ready?

-Yeah, let’s go in.

-Okay, here we go! This ice cave is unbelievable. Beautiful, isn’t it?

-Yeah, it really is.

-Do you know what the nickname of Iceland is?

-No, I have no idea. What is it?

-The land of ice and fire. Maybe fire is for volcanoes and Iceland has lots of ice and snow. We might see Santa. Do people in Japan celebrate Christmas?

-Yeah, a lot of stores have Christmas decorations up now.

-How do people in Japan celebrate Christmas?

-Actually, Christmas day is not a national holiday in Japan. If Christmas day on a weekday, people usually go to work.

-I see. What the big news story in Japan these days?

-Well, the economy is one big news story now. Things are not too stable.

-What do people in Japan say about the new U.S president?

-Some people are happy, but some people are worried. Everyone is asking will the president be good or bad for Japan.

-There’s a lot news about the U.S president these days. Well, tell me about your family? Where do your parents live?

-Japan. My parents live in a small town called Taiwaoka. I live near Tokyo now.

Did you understand our conversation?

So, Nora. Let’s have some small talk about Christmas.


You’ve celebrated Christmas in Japan and Ireland.

Yeah, that’s right.

Have you celebrated in other countries around the world?

Yes, for example, I’ve celebrated Christmas in Italy.

In Italy?

And Spain.

How was it?

Well, it was really interesting because Italy and Spain, they have the main celebration on the 24th of December.

Oh, on Christmas eve?

Christmas eve. But in Ireland and England, we have the main celebration on Christmas day.

That’s right.

Right. The 25th of December.

Christmas day you spend with your family?

Sure. It’s big celebration. We have turkey and all the trimmings and yeah, it’s a really big event.

Iceland is one of the only countries in the world that has bothglaciersand volcanoes.
-> The land of ice and fire.

『CNN10 November 14, 2024』CNN10November 14, 2024- YouTubeYouTube でお気に入りの動画や音楽を楽しみ、オリジナルのコンテンツをアップロードして友だ…ameblo.jp



How’s everyone in your family doing?

-Good. How’s everyone in your family doing?

My parents live in a place called Higashi-machi.

What’s the big news story in Iceland now?

-The big news story in Iceland is the Nobel Peace Prize.

In Japan, Christmas decorations start pretty early.

-But some people don’t care about Christmas.


Tell me about …

Tell me about your new car.

Tell me about your new job.

How’s everyone in … doing?

How’s everyone in your cooking class doing?

How’s everyone in the English circle doing?

Most people …for Christmas.

Most people have a turkey dinner for Christmas.

Most people in Japan have a cake for Christmas.

*have <> eat
have-> 食べる習慣がある というニュアンス

Where do your parents live?

-Japan. My parents live in a small town called Taiwaoka. I live near Tokyo now.

-Actually, my parents passed away.

-My parents live in a city near Tokyo.

Do people in Japan celebrate Christmas?

-Yeah, Christmas celebration start early in Japan. Most big stored have Christmas decorations in early November.

-Yes, I think so. I saw a news report showing people celebrating Christmas in a temple.

What’s the big news story in Japan these days?

-The election is one big story now.
-There is a big story about…

-The big news story in Japan is about Seven & i Holdings.

Iceland has so much of beauty. You’re going to an ice cave.



Celebrate New year’s

In Iceland, how do people celebrate New year’s?

Most people watch New year’s TV shows.

It’s the same in Japan.


=> make a bonfire

In Iceland, a lot of people make a bonfire New year’s Eve.

Celebrate Christmas

In Iceland, how do people celebrate Christmas?

A lot of people celebrate Christmas Eve.

Most people have dinner with their families for Christmas.



In Japan, Christmas decorations start pretty early.

Christmas decorations start in early November.

But some people don’t really care about Christmas.



*popular -> big

Big news


What’s the big news story in Iceland now?
=> the big news story

The big news story in Iceland is the Nobel Peace Prize.


The big news story in Japan is the election.



Is this tournament a big news story in Europe?

That’s a big news story in Japan, too.

It’s not really a big news story in Japan.

->Not really : Not really acold. / Not really a big news story

Is J-pop big/popular in Iceland?

->Is this Japanese food big in Iceland?

->be big in…

This band is so big in Japan.

Their song was used in a car commercial.




It’s a new week and a new conversation with me, Nora.

Have you ever heard of an ice cave? It’s one more thing to explore in Iceland together with me. See you on Friday!

-An ice came? That sounds fun.


Tell me about you.

Tell me a little something about yourself.

Tell me about your family.

Where do your parents live?

My parents live in a place called Higashi-machi.

My sister and her husband

My sister and her husband live with my parents.

How’s everyone in your family doing?

Good. How’s everyone in your family doing?

How’s everyone in your office doing?

Same as usual. How’s everyone in your office doing?



Hi everyone. I’m Nora Kennedy. Let’s go to Iceland!

It’s our last stop around the Atlantic together.

We’ll have some good conversations there.

When you or when European think of Iceland, what do you think of?

-It’s a small country with a lot of volcanoes.

-Yes, of course.

-And the other thing about Iceland is that it has a really small population.

-That’s true.


Imagine this…

You and I are going to see the magical Northern Lights in Iceland.

As we are waiting, we’ll chat about the news. One bis news story is the US presidential election. And if we’re lucky, we might be able to see the Northern Lights.

Did you picture the situation?


So try to have a seven-turn conversation as we chat together under the skies of Iceland.
* under the skies of


Oh, hello. Chilly tonight, isn’t it?

-Yeah, it really is chilly. But it’s not that bad.

-Looks like good weather to catch the Northern Lights.

-Yeah, I’m glad we have clear skies tonight. I hope it holds.

-By the way, we’re getting the US presidential election results soon. Who do you hope will win?

-Looks like Esther Pearl will win. But I hope Sean Parrish wins.

-Well, politics is a sensitive subject, isn’t it?

-Yeah, it’s too bad people are so divided.

-Oh, look a news alert. The U.S. presidential election has been decided. Guess, who won.

-Did Sean Parrish win?

-Right. I hope the new president does well. Oh, looks like we have company.

-Okay. No more politics. Let’s chat something less sensitive.

-Look, the Northern Lights.

-Wow, there are beautiful. We’re so lucky to see them. I tried to see them so many times before. It was worth the wait.


Did you reply to each one?

-Speaking of the news, where do you get the news?

-Well, that’s the great question. I listen to lots of news podcasts and I have lots of news apps on my phone.

-I see. How about you guys? Where do you get the news?

Steve will show you one way to reply. Here we go!




Nice sunrise, isn’t it?

Yeah, it really is a nice sunrise.

Looks like good weather for the ceremony today.

Yeah, I’m glad it’s sunny.

She’s the right person for the job.

I don’t know much about the politics.

Looks like good weather for …
Looks like good weather for a hike.

Looks like good weather for a walk.

Too bad + sentence

Too bad you have to work this weekend.

Too bad it’s raining today.

I hope +

I hope you can make it to the concert tonight.

I hope it’s a nice weather tomorrow.

We are going to go to see the Northern lights.

Chilly tonight, isn’t it?

-Yeah, it really is chilly, but it’s not that bad.

-Yeah, I should have brought a jacket.

Who do you hope will win the U.S presidential election?

-Looks like Esther Pearl will win. But I hope Sean Parrish wins.

-Looks like neck and neck. I don’t mind which will win if things are getting better.

Luckly, we could see the Northern Lights.

Look, the Northern Lights. Wow.

-We’re so lucky. I tried to see the Northern Lights so many times before.

-I can’t believe we are able to see the Northern Lights finally!
-I've always wanted to see the Northern Lights, and now I have.



*I hope + 現在形

I hope it’s sunny tomorrow.

I hope

I hope it doesn’t rain today.

I hope Steve wins.

Get reelected 再選される

I hope Jenny gets reelected.


The right person

She is the right person for the job.

Prime Minister

I hope the new Prime Minister does well.


Expect 予測する

Hope 期待する


Politics is a sensitive subject.

I don’t know much about politics.

I don’t know much about the US election.

No politics 

No politics at the dinner table.

At the dinner table 食卓で



のようです ~> (It + ) looks like


Retiring 退職する

(It +) Looks like Professor Smith is retiring.

Principal 校長

Looks like Principal Jones is getting married.
*get married => be getting married / will get married

Looks like the president is in trouble.

Be in trouble

The Nobel Prize
win the Nobel Prize

Looks like Jenny will win the Nobel Prize this year.

Looks like Stive won’t win the prize this year.

Good weather for …

Looks like good weather for walk today.
Looks like it’s good weather for a walk today.

Looks like we have good weather for a walk today.

Looks like good weather for the ceremony today.


Yeah, I’m glad it’s sunny.
=> I’m glad that it’s sunny. = I’m glad it’s sunny.

Yeah, I’m glad it won’t be cold today.



This month, we’re going to Iceland.

Hi, everyone. It’s Nora here. Iceland is a beautiful country.

On Friday we might see some natural beauty, the Northern lights. Until then, bye for now!

the Northern lights


Smart small talk in Iceland.


Thick fog, isn’t it?

Fog -> thick fog

Yeah, it really is thick fog.

Yeah, it really is… / they really are…

Too bad, we can’t see the mountains.

Nice sunrise, isn’t it?

Yea, it really is a nice sunrise.

Too bad, it’s so windy though.

The Northern lights are magical, aren’t they?

-Yeah, they really are magical.

Too bad Nora couldn’t join us.



Hi I’m Nora Kennedy. Let’s have a conversation in Ireland.
Alright, we’ll finish our month with this… Taiwa-Karaoke around the Atrantic.

Today, you and I are going to have breakfast at a nice restaurant in Dublin. It’s the capital of Ireland. It’s not an easy restaurant to find. It’s not in most guidebooks. But the food is terrific and the atmosphere is lovely.

This morning, we are having something very Irish. A full Irish breakfast.

This you picture the situation?

So, try to have a seven-turn conversation. We’ll enjoy a full Irish breakfast.

You made it to the restaurant. Was it hard to find?

-Not really. Sorry if I kept you waiting.

-It’s great to see you. Have a seat. How do you like this restaurant?

-This Irish restaurant is charming.

-To start, would you like something to drink?

-I’ll just have some water for now.

-Okay, here’s a menu. How hungry are you?

-I’m pretty hungry, but I usually don’t eat that much.

-We can order a la carte, but I like the full Irish breakfast here.

-We’re in Ireland so we might as well try a full Irish breakfast.

-The full Irish breakfast comes with black pudding, baked beans, mushrooms, grilled tomatoes and eggs. How would you like your eggs?

-May I have my eggs sunny side up?

-Alright. I’m getting hungry.

-Me too. I’m so excited to try those dishes.

* Today, we talked about a full Irish breakfast.

Yes, you absolutely have to have a full Irish breakfast when you go to Ireland. And it’s pretty much the same everywhere, but there are some regional variations.

-How about your hometown? Can you have full Irish breakfast in your hometown?

-Sure. We would have a full Irish breakfast with black pudding and while pudding.

-I see. By the way, you said your hometown is Dew Mullet?

-No Bell Mullet.

-My apologies.

-No problem.

-Your hometown is Bell Mullet. What kind of food is your hometown famous for?

-Well, because it’s by the sea, there’s lots of delicious seafood like oysters or lobsters. But also, because the lambs in the spring when they’re born, they eat grass by the seaside, which has a kind of salty flavor.

-The grass has salt in it because it’s by the sea.

-the seaside, right? So, this kind of lambs is called salt marsh lamb and it has a lovely naturally salty taste.

-That’s a wonderful story. So, there’s a natural salty seasoning to the lamb.

*marsh沼地, 湿地

Did you enjoy our journey around Ireland?

I enjoyed learning about Ireland from you. Thanks Nora.

My pleasure, Steve.

We’re going to Ireland!

You’ll really improve your conversation skills there.



This Irish restaurant is charming.

Our table is over there.

I like the music and the atmosphere.

Let’s have a seat.

Today’s specials are written on that board.

How hungry are you?
I’m pretty hungry.


To start, would you like …?
*You can imagine you're at a restaurant or your entertaining someone at home.

To start, would you like an appetizer?

To start, would you like wine or champagne?

-> Would you like a glass of wine or champagne to start?

To start, I’ll have…

*Now, you're ordering.

To start, I’ll have the cheese platter.
*platter 盛り合わせ

*盛り合わせ、in English is often platter. For example, cheese platter, Jenny said to start, I'll have a cheese platter.
Alright, use your imagination and order something with this phrase, to start, I'll have...

To start, I’ll have a salad. I’ve heard that it’s beneficial to have fiber at the beginning of a meal.

This dish comes with ..

This dish comes with a dessert.

This dish comes with homemade breads.

*Next, we'll practice something important. You'll reply in English to some questions. Just use your own words. Here's the first one.

You made it to the restaurant. Was it hard to find?

-Not really. Sorry if I kept you waiting.

-No. It was easy to find this place.

To start, would you like something to drink?

-I’ll just have some water for now.

-I’ll have a glass of beer, please.

- Do you have a drink menu?

- What kind of drinks do you have?

How hungry are you?

-I’m pretty hungry, but I usually don’t eat that much.

-I’m not so hungry right now. I could eat a little something. How about you?

*You must be hungry because we've been talking about food. Right, Jenny?
-Yeah, actually, I’m getting hungry, too. -Me too.

Alright. You’re ready for tomorrow’s conversation. It’s taiwa karaoke.
-You’re going to a charming restaurant in Ireland.
-And you’ll have a full Irish breakfast.

-Sounds like a fun one.

『英会話タイムトライアル「12月DAY1」  12月2日(月)』 (2025)


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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Views: 6159

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (56 voted)

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Author information

Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.