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0 I Fort Worth StarTelegram Section 3 Sunday July 1964 Page 20 Page: CE" "REAL E51171E MARKET' 1 IHouses for Sale 75j NOUS IHouses for Sale TS Northeast Side Area MN Northeast Vete Area 75NN Nerth cREDIT CHFCK No loan worries small clown pat -went Immo equity cut to la will cam' own note IlrYant tu Bu 1-3221) Nit Ins Mr Gerrie ItE We Trade Anywhere WE'll trade for your orooerlY any witere on one of our homes or buiA for Yon CHARM HOMES 3 PEAVTIFUL 3bedronm brick eNtras big lot of brick mork nde collet neighborlowd 1V50 thoil Ihneunt Realthr 111' 2-1522 1117 3 -181 1 2-6042 2-Wit hALE or traue bitck sodt lovel 21droor11 2both 7:63 Dr Nrth Richland Hills GI I it73 IF 43192 RUTH ROAD -)ROOM 2-both brje It big fenced yord patio trees Paint for BEArTI ad extrt work W50 do il Bll 2 152 wii SA level 3 RAterg GI I 1l7l 3-REDRO fenced yt 1-11: BY By Ynnt 132'21 BY Bryant t3t I 18edford-Euless-Hursr-7571 IBedford-Euless-Hurst 7511 NROrw'rtilrwtIVVP 'FORT WORTH HALTOM CITY East RfCHL 1'7 4 Ir 1 't1 i 1 A il i "i i' A jlowtibegv '1' 14 -i 44 0 I O'gil ---4 SEAL OF QUALITY Built by MITCHELL AND SON Bedford-Euless-Hurst 751 Igedford-Euless-Hurst 751( venmArrortarpvsymvioni I Arlington Property 75L I kiington Property 75L I I Arlington Property 75L I I laetlford-Euless-Hurst 751 IBedford-Euless-Hurst 7511 Bedford-Euless-Hurst 751f Igedford-Euless-Hurst 751( I Arlington 775L7IIArtiooton Property 75L I 7-9r sl -cow -i r- "'I- 1 -4ta61o40absAgnN41p mi A 4 odi 7 t7 -izy I 47' 1 r-3-7 ALL pr---7----- 1 ay apir 5z ri 4 t--if f'''1 1211 V4S Ar i i-relt Pca0 HALTOM it AILHCIR HILLS '1- HURS-to 1 e) CITY I i 4 "t3's 183 SEAL OF This is I 1-1-3-: 4111' a 0 dr QUALITY 01 "V' IR al o9 o3 7 Al 141 0 1 'pH pr the Mayfair )14' 40 1 I 44 1o lot Di 0 L-4: 4- ki 1 Wnrth Turnpike Built by MITCHELL AND SON FORT Treasure Alap i J1 0 WORTH 1 AS I East ciber 80 Air Isw4res-Nr1 1 f' 1 ill r''' i I -3 1 ova' 4' -A' 'l- 1 1- 'i" i r'd'' 'i 1 -44 '4 4- 1 i i' sk i': ''1 T' 7 i' 4i 4 tt i '9 41 ''f r' ot I --7 tc t' It 'It )tr 1: 1 kLL 4I I-- 1 I WiII''''''III 1 1 1' -------'1 I lot 6 A i y' yk--t- 1 i k-rvr7 4 11- -4 iit-4 :4 I 4 i I -1 4 1i ('''g tA40 -'1-- gst-L kr A k4 A 77'7: 't IDU Nielu John 001 lp PE 2 73138 AID CONDITIONED brick 2 bedromils dn ll baths elec trick buiti-In kitchen fenced 577 50 month Due Oct Tat For Other homes rail us TE 1-1869 PE 8-885 Pr 8-8459 IIII A el- TOWNsEN Dye ICE ED 5-4325 2524 30TH--Nice 4' rooms 11 down Payuwat in nude MA 6-1923 Landco Inc BU 2-2956 CUSTOM BRICK about 2200' on 5 wooded acres Pond stocked With fish $22 500 1 A sciiiiTrits REALTOR E0 5-1878 PE 7-6552 AX 2-3483 I 3231-311110SA PARK 3-BEDR0014 1-bath brick close to I school No down payment WA 3- 9243 HALTOM CITY 5009 Monett 3 bedroom frame eticed washer connections 2-car igtrage $9250 Paint for down Day meld RICHLAND DILLS 6704 Pecan Park 3-14-2 large den unusually nice 413350 can paint for down Carl Glenn WA 4-4862 I JIMMY ROGERS REAL ESTATE WA 6-5341 Jr '7559 1 i 1 1 1 1 down bayment AleGehee Heal Elate 1201 $15i) mov Es you IN PRICK 3 bedrooms 2 baths newly tierorated inside and out Carnet 31 month due Oct 1st TE 1-1869 PE 8-00i5 PE 0-H459 ERVIN CHEntIPT TOWNsEN OFFICE ED 5-34n PICK UP PATMENTS BRICK 3 bedrooms 1'2 baths attached guage fenced S02 monlh Vacant Cl'H HEAR REALToR BB 22546 BU trees large Tax300 5 rooms 2-room gtlost cottage Garden soot Only 08750 Gallaher 6-127 TAKE Small down 6721 KAREN central air $104 month $ooa cDAIAIINGS 1700 equare feet S10500 loan $211 month 5100 LAUREL Kinegize den Bre place 1700 square feet $110 month 2236 BONNTH BRAE 3 bedroom brick $HO month 4912 COLORADO 3114 brick $85 month AT 441511 Pat Hill BD 11956 SNOW AIR TovelY 3-14 brick separate item bay window breakfast area entry ball utility room $600 doW II PH NI 'FI'Ilt'l $15 BRICK 2 tleCOrliira IMF moot! TE 1-1869 BRAAN 4 PI( BRICK niche mann Ci'l la LI 23546 ilIVERst lot 70x30a cottage i Ga TM Small 6721 KAI month $008 CUM S105o0 5100 LAU place month 2236 BONI brick 4912 COL( month AT 410134 SNOW III 7ovelY 31 bay winda ball unlit: We would have marked the spot with an but it would have covered the whole mop because the treasures are scattered throughout Mayfair These are the unpretentiously elegant Mayfair homes quality homes in a beautiful setting of suburban greenery between Fort Worth and Dallas Here are new residents who have recently chosen Mayfair for their home! Jerry Baker Adco*ck Jr 332 Brookview Drive 205 Plainview Drive A Garrett Builder Earl Johnson Builder Earl Johnson David Solomon 209 Plainview Drive 425 Brookview Drive Earl Johnson Builder Harry Miller Builder We would have marked the spot with an but it would have covered the whole mop because the treasures are scattered throughout Mayfair These are the unpretentiously elegant Mayfair homes themselves-finest quality homes in a beautiful setting of suburban greenery between Fort Worth and Dallas Here are new residents who have recently chosen Mayfair for their home! Jerry Baker Adco*ck Jr 111 mt oh Les LEtyair rt: Inc NIWTIF Ilifir a 116111VIVIr I I A Garrett Builder Earl Johnson Builder Earl Johnson David Solomon 209 Plainview Drive 425 Brookview Drive Earl Johnson Builder Harry Miller Builder 3-BE1)Roon BRICK BATHS kitchen-den path) doors Payments $70 AT 4-8004 Blue Star AT 4-0049 al Et IN ARLINGToN 0 ot -MOT IA CLOSE TO SCHOOLS CHURCHES AND SHOPPING 0 INCHES PING ti tr9 "a AS Low AS Low AS OUTSTANDING FEATURES: OUTSTANDING Inspect the dozen or more gracious homes i Mayfair You can see from the map Mayfair is conveniently located Drive out today to the genteel country of '''i Just follow the signs I from Highway 121 or 183 444- mspecr me aozen or mare gructous norties I ri muyluir tot con see Trom me mop Mayfair is conveniently located Afttl4W Drive Out today to the genteel country of 3tii arrz from Highway 121 or 183 OTHER MODELS AS LOW AS DELS AS I ti 4 1 PER MO PAYS EVERYTHING 4115E PER MO PAYS EEERY PI iVild ti EVERYTHI 10500 TO 14500 TO 0 PAYMENT I 1 LL'A li 4 I 1 I I I AUNT I 1 1 A L' 3 PAYMENT 40k 0 1 1 Lik i' iiA 1 111HRAsOLAOL TMH Ss N23T RF8YL PATIO AND PATIO DOORS CERAMIC TILE LARGE DEN WITH BEAM CEILING INSULATED WALLS 4 AND CEILING OAK FLOORS 1 AND 2 CAR GARAGE LAKLIt UtN WIIM BEAM CEILING ---4 INSULATED WALLS AND CEILING 'i OAK FLOORS 1 AND 2 CAR GARAGE BEST BUY IN' RicmANn HILLS Too location-94' lot S117 a moth 3-bedroom panel den entry hall gas fireolace quality CAMEO Patio workshop behind ow rage 3352 Cris SEE Vi 'HAT 511850 WILL BUY COMO' 10t 3-114 brick some cot-Pei double garage lovely fenced a rd el le tosed lerreve fleer tt chop) 5050 down assume 689 paments OWNER Immediate potsesslon executive-type 1900 brick Snow Heigh's: 4-2-don fireplace central Sit Mid lyw doors natio carnet all electric kitchen 61500 clown 6130 month AT 48101 AT 4-7121 VIOLET BROOME REALTY FHA AREA BROKER Richland the work your self for down payment Lovely 3 bedroom brick I'S baths giant size den Only 684 per month NORTH Richland for clown payment Real nice 3 bedrooms attached garage close In Only $55 per month RICHLAND be redeco rated 3 bedrooms and den giant size rooms Good location Low down Payment $09 Per month WE HAVE the information on PHA owned homes Cell any time AT 4-9'257 JE 5-8523 WA 7-8076 HORTON REAL ESTATE $90 YOU will find very few in as good condition none better Brick 3 bed rooms painted dent new reel st Fence trees 2 gas lights: walking distance Richland Elementary convenlent to Richland Plaza me PaYmenta about $90 AT 4-8514 AT 4-8811 BEST Rill 'lot SR7 a moo entry hall cArpets rage 3352 SEE ill'il CiI'llI1' itil Del doubt Yard St paYments OWNER Immediate tope 1900 42-den lit ing doors kitchen AT 48401 VIOLE1 FHA Richland I self Inc al bedroom size den NORTH 11 clown payi rooms att Only $35 I RICHLANt rated 3 size room down Pan WE HAVE owned horl AT 49'257 HORT( YOB will I condition ll psonos par T'ence iref distance RI wenient to tin il Pap AT 4-8514 IHouses for Sale 75 I 7511 IHouses for Sale 75 I 113ectford-Euless-Aurst 7511 SS- Northeast Side Area 75N1f Northeast Side Area 75HN INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES I DIRECTIONS: From Fort Worth east on Hwy 80 to General Motors Plant in Arlington 5 71r turn south about one mile on Watson Rd CR 0 41 (Hwy 360) to East Mitchell and HISTORY MAKER HOMES EHA-SMALL DOWN Gl-NOTHING DOWN --r DOWN DOWN 't DIRECTIONS: From Fort Worth east on Hwy 1" 80 to General Motors Plant in Arlington it turn south about one mile on Watson Rd CR 5-7003 1 (Hwy 3601 to East Mitchell and HISTORY 4 ii MAKER HOMES 1 4 -k wow ilvVe i t-i "iiw tio400-wet- 44 a- ta la marmot PAINT FOR DOWN PAYMENT 6663 MARIE 3 bedroom 142ath 911A loan WA 6-5477 Margaret Douglas PE 7-9241 BRICK HOME corner lot across street from Fort Worth Christian College 3 bedrooms 2 baths huge den Owner leaving City Bargain PU 1-0264 WE HAVE PROPERTY IN THE Haltom City Hurst Euless Bediord Richland Hills area Ranging from $8000 to 830000 Courgeous information without obligation OFFICE AT 4-836I Marguerite Christian TE 8-0502 (Bill) Bray JE 43754 Douglas Middleton 01 1-6755 Manny Myers BU 25680 Assumptions MUST sell this 'week Nice pink colonial 3-bedroom 2-bath aIr large kitchen with lots of cabmets fireplace fenced and close to schools Just about 1500 al real cozy home 3 bedroom on beautiful terraced lot with rock garden and trees trees trees Air thsooa1 dish Washer carnets and double go race block elementary schools and shopping A real convenient home reek Nice pink 2-bath air oc nets lots abi and close to at 1500 ol real a utitql terraied rden and trees dish and double aa rnentary be hook nt real COM eme 2000 Fr FRONTAGE HWY 183 HURST TEXAS STRATEGIC GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION FOR INDUSTRY CR BUSINESS TRACKAGE OBTAINARLE PROPERTY DEPTH 23 10 453 OAKHURST BY OWNER 2-stort brick 3-beitroom Oen 22 baths carpets modern kitchen Choice neighborhood See to appreciate 1414 Blue Bonnet Dr I3Y appointment only TE 8-6280 CHARMING HOME In a lovely neighborhood Owner AT 4-8096 I NO MOVE IN 5150 clown S77 month pu Ye HIL 312-1 brick trim 5 inintites town Specs Realty Al Burner WA 6-1453 OAF'' 7-room 2 bths filled with personality huge trees and Patio S450 down 3101 GAY ST 3-becirooln brick tile bath coveted patio double aa rage make offer HIS East attractive 3-bedroom tile bath central heat eir conditioners bargain at $300 down No closing NO RICHLAND BILLS Rogene 1 St Will sacrifice 2-bedroom Il2-both brick trees $495 clown no closing $80 month 12309 HONEYSUCKLE 5-room Carpeted central air trees bur equity 1724 BLUEBONNET Vacant 3- bedroom den 1-bath buY equity assume loan RIVERSIDE HOME and income A-1 condition 5 rooms 2 baths plus furnished garage apt 510950 RIVERSIDE dupleg now rented low upkeep siding dunles on 100-foot lot huge trees Vacant 3341 1ABAD1E Spacious 3-bedrooms separate dining TO and den 2 baths covered par op 103 loot lat Bur equity 3625 6 room 2 both brick vacant $40 down or car In trade 728 FAIRVIEW 3-room a me bargain $200 down $50 month WESTBROOK Large 2-bedroom and den near Oakhurst school 59500 2816 MARIGOLD Large 3-bed- 1 room frame consider trade on acreage Mrs Syd Patton TE 4-0160 Louise Bouncy TE 8-0523 Mary Houseworth TE 8-3713 United Realty TE 8-6000 2-Story Colonial With wood shingle roof on wooded lot 4 bedrooms fireplace all built-ins central air Choice floor Man NEW SPACIOUS OPEN Only S18950 5140 Jennings Drive (LARK CONRAD BIC I-2346 BEAUTIFUL GEORGIAN COLONIAL ON 2 ACRES wooded 3 bedrooms 212 baths large cathedral den Tennessee Crab stone fireplace 5 ton air conditioning carpeted electric kitchen custom drones circalor drive entrance gates large covered Patio 3-room guest house and extra garage for storage shown by apooMtment only $43 500 Howard Realty 111124i BU 2-3846 ANNE POST BLT 34601 AT 4 9389 PncT I I ggggg OS Bedford-Euless-Hurst 7511 I Dupfxs Apts Sale 75B I (Lake Resort Prop 75 w11 bniTfl'il-yr-Lrotrduni" EAGLE MT CIRCLE Lillalitnu-Luovaa-yiutal I Resort Prop 75K art Prop 75K MT CIRCLE $62 MONTH ALL BRICK Prince Charming Locatd on southside of Hwy 183 i ri about 1 block East of Loop 826 erma Nearly 2 nii111011 people live work want arYthin nicer his and play in this Fort WorthDallas radiant in this one with its formai 01 11 1110 pirkAle4itt -snow white" will be absolitteli area A 2-balion Retail Market dintn area livink room ti it within a 50-mile radius Growth no family room with fireplace breaks tential is unlimited It's a buyer tist room with bay' window 3 now! bedrooms aid a guest room 2 KJ 3-5102 Mr Pemberton ED 2-7104 baths 101IP extremely largett Per HOMES Ftt HURST I trees sk- EL HOMES NEW MOD 152 AND 76 ACRES located in excluive Broo I hollow area i and btith-i115 Corder lot with nice 10a 041k An ottplontjp 3 BEDROOM Pt BATHS Brownthe Hts North Jo Word HO 1409 Htll-h820 YOU'LL LOVE THIS HOME with beautiful yard Dina brick white roof ani trim 3 bedrooms 2 baths Hotpoint kitchen large den 9 storage closets Around 8102 monthly S47() down WA 4-225R LALLAH WRIGHT REALTOR A 42258 gni HILLS DH---131 owner 2- Yea old antidue brick fenced 3-2 paneled den living room fireplace central air bulliins carpeted drapes beautiful view Coninumitv Lake Country Club 3 blocks eduity for S1500 $116 month Balance 813 049 TE 4-2744 GLOWING FRurrwoon finished palieling and cabinets complete with fireplace 3 bedrooms P4 tile baths dishwasher disPoal Mint -in stove separate utility area stair attic storage entry hail all brick natio 2-car garage landscaped Priced in $160110 bracket will trade VA FHA or conventional loan Frances Capps TE 8-9325 TE 46269 1 BROWNING SR rontns and bath one aate 3 rooms and batit the ni her nte tr car anaze AX 20 HINE REAL! REALTOR NO DOWN PAYMENT EASY TERMS 4kYdfrome4 BROH NINO HIS LET us show 3011 hese nice 3-bedroom 24iath homes with fenced rd REAL ETATE INTERCHANGE JOHN MERRAH TE 4-4474 MA 6-60311 TE 8-8295 SACRIFICE 3-bedroom brick l'is baths nIra large Oen North Richland Hills Priced to sell assume loan no credit check MU 1-3522 TINTMELIEVABLE! New 3-bedroom brick 2 baths 1500 of floor space Built-in kitchen double garage carpet fiRS moves you BLT 2-3139 AT 4-7296 BU 2-4914 Pike Realty BU 1-0236 LET us sin room 2sba 3irri REAL ES 1( TE 4-4474 3-bedroom large den Priced to credit cliff TINIBELIEV brick 2 snare Boil rage ran BLI 23139 Pike Realt EULESS CITY LIMITS Alo nice big lots available in OVER 2010 FOOT FRONTAGE ON Brookhojow with lots t11 trees MAIN ST aldig) ACRE OVER Tr Ikle or sell IIMtF()OTFI()NT4iE ON wis- Whoa DUPLEXES Easily converted te 3 bedroom 2-Mob home Vaiu We In vetment property Viemd7 WIVte Settlement-University triter feebon Peen MeQuirs ED 1-7877 NOW COMPLETED AIR CONDITIONED BRICK AND STCINE YuU Ntost See 'Ens Unique Arrangement bedrootn I or 2-Car Garage Price flatce '510750 to $1174 LI NO DOWN PAYMENT PRA $350 Down Paynwnk $74 to NM 2 fun bUit builtut range eRepeti1114 fenced yard fully tristiluted Art angemeiA 51r254Vatro CNa74Z LI NO DOWN PAYMENT EftA C150 Down PaNmenft $74 to s'e4 2 fuil bathi builtin range carpet IIIK fenced yard fully trwilated La RD $E000 ACHE Back Tip pardner and keep mot B1315102 Mr Pemberton ED 24104 iitil Bar a buy Y011 can't afford to iss 1 500' spume feet of hom -t tor WO total move cost 3- 4 4 wt 1 bedroom 2 baths trep'ace in I a ilv room car pe'ted bil I tar sge foro a ft smchoolsir double 'a garage It -h7 air-corainfontne On) 2 lel so call early Builders central heat tnci walking los your gam ditance to COGO1 and MORE MORE readers make STAR-TELEGRAM WANT ADS aroduce BEST results To place ads Mal the nhone ED 2-7722 MORE On make STA ADS nrodue ads dial II El 11 1 itiC744 mov-- Apo'- 4 -V A A 1 1 1 1 l' 4 I i 3 1 11-14 let4 IsAm I alloAK: 4 epo owe' 4 i It 11s At- 133-A-'3 sNA I Will Trade LARGE WELT PLANNED bemitlhilly finished 3-bedroom bricks baths den and kitchen combinations Paymenta $79 to S81 month TE 8932 5 TE 46269 tioNDERFI Huy 77 Cheryl Choice location trees ValOre custom built 3 large bedroom step-saying kitchen with built-ins den with birch pan fling utility room A very well kept home pretty yard redwood fence Small down tioNDEBEI Huy 77 Cheryl Choice location 5-ROOM HOUSE garage apt for sale by owner Total price 67750 6500 down TB' 8-0092 REDUCED in price this 3-bedroom den home at 5308 Bakers Lane can be yours for initial investment of $300 and Under 680 rromh It's a hrick crawl snare home with oak floors Geo Mel-boa Co Frank Mattes ED 2- 1358 JE 6-2906 OPEN 3-bedroom 3307 Swan Haltom City too Der cent loan available anproximatety month low interest rate double garage central heat TE 8064 no Sunday calls DISCRIMINATING buyers will ston looking after seeing this custom home located at 5017 Wyoming 3 bedrooms 2 baths 2-car garage large den separate eating area bath-in Kitchen kaki inthai invest ment 20 years on balance Geo Mellina Co Frank Mattos ED 2-1358 JE 6-2206 1 BY OWNER 3-11 brick SiL750 TB 4-2676 8 APTS plus 1 extra lot che LI log) block Bomar nem" Beach 189 gross returti on Inv etment IA A 47J1 IN 1140f JE 11640 IIENLE16 REAkion 2-STOR DUPLEX SOUTH OF ELIZABEIH lit VD 3 300 kquare feet 3heorootn 2 baths each apt Plus garaga apt Consmer trade equity tor lake tract or? S4HP0 brackeh assume loan of about StSolk) 6-3776 Ivy Akinson WA 3 4ti IPVICKINS LI) 6476 AILIT11 rs BRICK DI PLEX hloP (On-Wined ollier side partly Mrtutherl Excellent location DAIMICK REALTOR ED S4411 AIME tivalg-drca0 room unol bnonow firmace 2Peonses cowl tv Pno (et 5otost One acre ot asied area Attrsclivelv thcoraled Are es ku0 yull to sad cartAtitt Len111 str PE 16 At A atPt11 E'n 2710i McDONALD CO i0P-11-A- Cr LAKE OEfilINEY 2 bislEnern boise furstAlel alrconcfilloand two tooxId0 intm Near laonchea McCown VL ar Tainp Pot Vinitnev mnit or Cheiogee mid R0 I lt ant a on too of hill overlonklng like I7O cIL Or S2 Sod l55o mouth JE 5-7450 JE 5 AWL tOH WHITNEY New two hedroom nie bath builtkltohEn Inthel eI horn Ina tirePlace GArase and te0liv room rl! 01 heavy wolee a atertrost $1000 some termsCail 1 Fort '91 14' A 4 850 Whitney 804 350-l FOR tiklE-----4)o 16-Inotx40-loot trotiaaa steyi tat DrlYS baeta ood I ake 3 scans All te11ties conoreted 'It take late Model ear Ls trade tu a finance tptlance Tqtal pric Isiie IC) 000 Telephone days 140ward 5-153k rirms HOward 54400 ne HOw3r4 5-V15 Ottinesvtlle Texat OAT Nees Lointler Company 61010E location Azle 5sle Eane Mountain waterErost Soat allalectris house Will lisance A 3-1el9 8 a 111 tn 4 lt0 LAKE FRONT lot4 On Lake Tares 1 koni CR 5244L Relci 1500 I Danirl DT Arlfrvonn LAKE Coll AOE 1-2 hi '1100M 12 2-1 inx2o 12x21 -TE REM NICT 2-roam and bath rnek boo nice 0ell awl trees 1t 7 blorki ltom cer E25d0 KCAL EsT ATE INTERCHANGE TWIN 11 RK1111 IS 44174 MA TE 43205 -thrcadt room wood ice 2 nedroom (0 ItoSt On Dcre 0Kitql arra Attire as sad earpedas ern101et11 2- II ALD CO OP HAVEN 0v111INEY two loax11k) lond McCown VI1h no Pot tenitnre meg tnd lieu of hill ftveelonking aan or $2 1E 5-74110 JE 5 501 -LAK WHITNEY Me bath built-net rien wood trirli Garake and 'mine 1 headv wodee Non some terinaCad rtit WA 4 350 ey 904 1150 16-Matx4n-loot AiNt C11 iihf ake 3 N145 Connre ted 1111 eI ear in trade Iv ialance Totat price es Nriward 5-153e 1 5480 rie 310war4 sn11e Feast Gars Commtiti on Axle Eavde errront teck boat liplike Will linance It1 19 4 119 I tr lotg on Lake Tarte et Reid MOO Mutton Texas I-2 bi 1100111 12x -TE 3111 -room and bath enek sed and treek11t tom front 'E INTERCHANGE ell RKAIII A 661dal TE 1-3205 hhoptnng Con' er In Euless AT 4-0931 CR 2-4122 For WO down FHA 30 Imam brick 3 bedroom 2 bath5 air AX 5-1807 conditioned doubie garage Hwy 183 to Precinct Line Colleyville Road ttim North to Pl 'elm Road We 61 Pao bluer to 1tvugston Drive One acre lots available with some 1) I'll oe nice homes started or will build to i olt P1001 for horses AT 4-9100 BUILT BY AR1Z-TEX CORP B1: 3-1601 ANNE POST at Pt roa imk 1 a ilk i Nwv 183 to Precinct TPo Road tom North to Pl etit t140 block to 1tNouloh Dlore 0on Til BUILT BY AR1Z-TEX CORP $25 DOWN 1 ri'S 3-4 1 4 atiid 3561 1111111-MOON 3 bedrooms 1 baths brick trim den air conditioned fenced Walking distance to elementary school and bus Sabine VallP7 Home l'E I-1205 nights and Sunday PE 2- 3 FHA Approved Broker SELECTION Of homes In Haltom City and Riverside no down payment on new VA loam Tleint for down payment on FHA I Browning Sr TE 8-9325 TE 4-6289 AKE- 1 1 1 I ake Res tProp75K I 40 ACRES finest land close to 1age Mt Lake $0 000 jewel Davis Realtor PE 7-t4i BEAUTIFUL mountain cabin site in the San Juan Forst near Pa-gosh Splines Colo Blanco River runs through virgm 4 acres excelent honEng fishing SO2 LillY 1 Lane Ariugton Texas CR 5-1K21 1 Eagle Mountain Lake $800 Cash Down ERESHLY DECORVMD SEVEN ROOM BRICK oil ering nearlY 2000 square feet Mike good size bedrooms 21 1 BATHS cherry Paneled den family size kitchen builtbi stove and oven Central air carnets Da menu about $135 month beautiful lawn fenced lot Near Richland Hills Jr High Quick possessiom WA 6-2902 4913 NEVADA TRAIL Open House 3-8 FINE CRAFTMANSHIP and quail-iv 2000 square feet suspended cathedral ceiling In den cabinets and wood work exquisite firenlace air Its a Watkins McMurray House AT 4-8014 Pat Hill BD 1-1956 Attention breamers DIAMOND OAKS ADDITION Your dream can become a reality A masterniece in design for better living An exotic oriental modern ef'll tral heat and air-conditioning 3 bedrooms 2 baths a be au tif ul sunken living room Huge den with fireplac Marvelous kitchen with all built-ins Also have hi-fi radio with intercom lots of native oak trees surrounding tho patio: overlooking the Diamond Oaks Golf Course T3 1-3220 BY Brvant Nights Mr Goma PE 23438 $80( FRESHLY BOON' BR 2000 sonar bedrooms pled dolt It 111 stove carpets 1 month boa Near Rich Quick poss 4913 FINE CRA to 2000 i cathedral and wood I air Its Rouse AT 4-8034 After DIAMOI Your dr reality design I exotic a trot boa ing 3 1 begot room 1 nlac with all hilt a lots of I rounding looking Golf Coo BD 1-3220 Nights Mr $58 PAYS ALL brick 1900 square BU 14101 13U 1-1444 PE 8-6422 I feet fireplace builtIns 2car ga THIs HOUSE I rage $00 down BU 2-1652 MCST BE sOLB I ATTENTION HUSBAND IN HOSPITAL 1850 I Nice 3-be4room home 11- baths square feet living area 3-bedmoin double garage fenced In best state 2 full baths with dressing tables of repair New FHA loan commit-combination living and formal din- Ment Dig room large paneled den beam- Douglas Halm Builders ed ceiling with fireplace and built- BU 13469 TE 8-7459 BU 34094 ins bookcases sliding glaas doors to covered and enclosed patio large kitchen and breakfast area built-in range dishwasher and disposal Equities new used repossesslona Pantry ceramic tile drain 5-ton central air-conditioner large don Me garage with stilits area lin EDITH LETOT mediate PO5SPSSiC11 Will consider any offer 'Courteous information without obligation" BU 3-2854 REAL ESTATE 13171284 OFFICE AT 49361 168 Western Hills Inn Euless Marguerite Christian TJEE AgoltRisDALE (BdI) Bray Douglas Middleton (1- I-67 am-condltioned ranch sine 4 1Wourir 1311 2-5680 bedroom 3bath formal living and alei rage $700 down HU Z-1652 ATTENTION 3-be4room home II baths double garage fenced In best state repair New FHA loan commit- Ment Douglas Halm Builders Rr3 13469 TE 8-7459 MI 31094 Equities new used repossessionS EDITH LETOT 13113-28rd REAL ESTATE EU 3-2852 168 Western Hills Inn Euless AgoRRIsDALE ESTATEs New tur-condnioned ranch style 4 bedroom 3bath formal living and 629 Harrison IT corner lot fenced larve liVing room 2 bed-Nice rooms and bath detached garage -Really Cieanof AT 4-0891 AX 5 LIM $73 PAYMENTS Work out down payment on 3 bedroom brick 306 Westwood Euless Texas Driskell Johnson BLI 2-3591 vt ET 'VIE SPECI A1 Fon los III OF II I PAINT FOR DOWN Several FHA brick and frame homes left in the Hurst-Bedford Rule areas that I can show you Where Itti you can Paint for down Payment If the ale to closed out MI office I will give to the qualified buyer the first 10 gal Ions of paint to nein Paint his home I A JD ERWIN It EALTOR I 111! 2-6787 FHA area broker for Hurst Ea dining 15700 naneled cathedral les Bedford Some homes to re-den Custom drapes and carneted deern'ate for down tlaYillent Some Landscaped fenced vard Mime- very ao'd haramna diate posession 1403 Woodridge Glen Tongate Realtor Circle HU 2-6711 on Sig Carter ough Lake front tot Sei an to SI) Me Scenic view Sa ton ko S3 AO Eagle neetoonient uro ZD '63' PE 7 411a rE 3h0S EAtLE 1 LAk if ffigit on a Ixtu IA1 Nq I AKE 31d ron den bi 11 Prt tiyi Itirat lqt $7540 CE hrit (I rt040 51113 CE 3-BEDROOM BRICK FRONT BROWNING HT NO BE 1441I JACKIE MchiBBEN 84568 FINE INCOME PROPERTY I3EAUTIFU1 3 bedroom 2 bath frame huge den fireplace new corpets Newly decorated Triple garage lovely 4-room garage apt Well landscaped large trees C1OSP to school bus and shopping Will trade CONNOR REAL ESTATE TE 8-3229 BO 1-2965 HALTOM paint 2 bed rooms large lot no credit check 2350 down 3527 Parker Rd West TE 46323 or AT 4-2722 I Arlington Property 751 Property 751 Tr 44444 0 I ASSUME ownera new 3-bedroom brick 2 bathe double garage both-Ins paneled den 1350 $at month BU 1-0020 TE 8-0751 Antmtive 3-2-Dedroorn Ict 1r1 Condt'on und area NicConit fteaor Cft t-47111 27-bath SpaTiTh IlltOCI ern 2-aor central air conlitionlint 2car aagp ail built-no 20' dn snit wood -bitrnitiR firepacP 111TRA Wt)IdPfj )0t No down paYrnent quircrl wan financing Sintil cnmant cost lio3 Bowen Rd CR 4a171 Mick (1don and area ttea1lor Cf -47111 id--hath Spanikh 11)COCI tral fair conlitiOnMC tii builtdm 20 ddn atm firemace 111TRA down payment re 1A financing Sin tll 103 Bowen Rd Over-sized rooms By OWNER 3-bedroom 2-bath dining room- den laundry room large kitchen- carpeted 2500 square feet air-conditionerL douWe garage work shop Jorge patio with smoke oven broiler sink $22009 3717 Pormlewell AT 4-7234 $100 nowN 1304 MINEOLA 3-beesoom frame attached garage fenced JACKIE AllekIBBEN EU 1-1411 TE 8-8568 3575 PARAMOUNT 3-bedroom baths brick ell new inside and out FHA or 61 PE 7-6075 3612 CHERYL Redecorated 2-bedroom frame SS250 FHA $46 monthly PE 7- (0)75 JACK GUTHRIE REALTOR PRICED to sell by owner Richland Hills not In flood area Spacious 3-bedroom 2-batb brick contemporarY central air Walking distance of Richland junior High and Glenview Elementary Come see IL 3520 Norton Dr AT 4-0598 4213 VANCE Out down Payment 3-bedroom brick I bath 085 month Sundae HU 2-2077 Driskill-Johnson Bill 2-3591 NORTH RICHL AND Hills Look Look Look Bird nest on the ground 3-bedroom borne with all the works Large covered Patio This house has got to go Ve-acre lot wit consider trade BU 1-3193 $65 Browning fits 3-bedroom frame fenced paint for down nayment Doyle Real Estate TE 4-6305 flU 1-0141 BU 1-2675 Large 3-bedroom brick SI00 down and move in REAL ESTATE INTERCHANGE JOHN Mt REAR TE 44474 MA 6-6030 GI 1-0168 TE 8-3295 LEASE or rent-3813 Cagle Dr 5- room modern frame Pig off Pipeline Rd Lem-Foster MI 1-4400 Collevville CONTENIPOR Just completed 3-bedroom 2-bath heat and air gas built-ins double curare 6933 Payte Lane Smithfield Acres Sell Or trade BIT 1-3714 RIVERSIDE 2629 Goldenrod BY owner Cute 2-1 frame perfect is Carpeted Fenced Good location TE 8-3749 vacant OWNER will trade 10-year equity in 3-bedroom frame tor late model car or pickup TE 8-9258 Vfflt 4L ilrfSat electric home lo-ehldee overlooking the lake metureone view New llome A lovelv 2-bcdtoosn brick home hike flout Walime Rd IOW take Front 2-bedrooni den ubth-in kitchen Wooded lot guest house dock MA ii-8fP80 PWel DIvis Realtor PE 7436 100Kt 190K! LOOK! EAGLE MOUNTAIN water front attractive 2 bedroom furnished Boat fenced trees Sell account illness DAltLING COTTAGE overlooking water doe ic deeded land S2Jioors290 down also few water front lots left MA S5387 TE 8-43611 Deane Johnson WA Refrigerated air (lack Nice 2-bedroom well ria condlboned dock boat house MA fooRn Jewel Davis Waltor pE 74006 LARGE 21bedroom 2-bath ontioue brick on large wooded lot BC 22916 APIT FOR DOWN PAYMENT BRICK 3-bedrootn 112baths large living room double garage Sig) Month A4417M7 LOAN NEW LARGE air-conditioned brick 3 bedroomg den I ec le kitchen 2 baths double garage sin 50 month CI BEAR REALTOR BU 2-3546 BL1 2-3361 NORTH RrCHLAND HILLS 1790 souare feet of a-concl*tioneri comfort for $11900 Brick 3-bedroom 2-bath electric kitchen 3 Years old 51200 equitY and take au payments BU I-0234 See at 7024 Oakland Lane IN 3 bedroom frame Browning fits Close to school Doyle Real Estate Ti: 4-6305 BU 10141 FHA Area Broker ALL FHA owned homes in Haltom City and Riverside Brick and frames 2 and 3 bedrooms I and 2 baths $5000 to $12000 Low monthly Payments CALL US FOR keys and infortriaI don anytime some redecorated some do it YOUrSell and save TE 8-1860 PE 88565 PE 8-8459 ED 5-4325 Bryan Gregory Townsen VA Fru MANAGEMENT i BROKERS 30 TEARS SERVING FT WORTH 3-2-2 DEN patio on acre II Years old $12250 Might trade equity AT 4-7898 5708 ELLISON 12 acre 0 rooms 1 house and garage apt $5500 Owner carry note TE 4-9690 NO RICHLAND 3-2 carpeted air- I conditioned Cash Would trade equity for something of equal value 5005 El Dorado Or SACRIFICE hilltop adobe brick with redwood trim fence bath house large pool surrounded by shrubs flowers TE 8-6111 AT 4-7464 OVERLOOKING private lake in I North Hills 3-bedroom 2-bath brick kitchen den combination good condition $17500 0750 down conventional loan TE 8-3361 FORECLOSURES no down payment $60 up monthly 2 and 3 bedrooms ED 5-3265 8430 week-day or Gay Martin TEl 4-3066 1816 HILLS Dr beautiful 3-2 brick every modern convenience $1500 down ASSUME TE 4-2744 3 BEDROOMS dry Richland Hills Air-conditioned 2 baths Dishwasher drapes carpeting Fenced perfect condition near elementary and junior high AT 4-0270 EQUITY bargain in cash 5-room brick 2 baths large lots Loan title policy now on 1)roperty vacant Lem Foster BU 1-4400 PAINT FOR down payment $8250 Pavnwnts 663 Very nice 3-bedroom home garage fenced 1311 4944 BB 23139 AT 4-7296 Pike ResitY BU 1-0M6 only $13500 FRESH AND CLEAN! Three-bed room brick with large paneled den Formica cabinets to de liehi you Built-in stove Three blocks to Shady Oaks shopping and elementary school $450 down about 697 month ED 6-5776 AT 443136 AT 4-7147 Helen Perkins ED 6-5776 port wortia 32 brk rade for smkier Arlington borne 17-titor CR 4473A Homes Businesses Building Sites Wide Selection Every Price Roge Experienced Staff Hein You 32brkk rade Arlington borne Reaitor C'R 4473A Ing Sites spierttn 'rice Rktige enced Start' Hein You RICHLAND suuz Celebrate The Alf SEE OUR SIX 3-bedroom den brick homes ranging from $129fgt to $15150 Near gchools shot-ming churches Offering Purchase of equities or new FHAs with LOW DOWN PAYMENT Cali today! ED 6-5776 Fvdella Evans AT 4-7147 Quick Possesion PRACTICALLY A STEAL Pxectifive's equity in air conditioned brick over 2000 square feet of famfly planned living area Big haneled den all-electric kitchen Three large bedrooms 2 tile bail separate dining room BIG TREES on about 100 foot lot In the heart of Richland Hills Schools AT 4-7147 PE 7-4153 AT 4-g136 Helen Perkins ED 6-5776 IHouses for Sale 75 I Payments $70 Month FOR THIS 3 bedroom ilia hath brick See this 'osier floor Dian Bob shobert AX 2-2447 Henley Realtor Office WA 3-4047 541135 $195 DOWN That's All spacious brick homes 3 bed room 2 baths dem natio air conditioned AU tkopliances fire Mace CHAR VI 'HOMES B11 1-3220 By 1cYsiti Nights WA 3-5872 or PE 23130 MtiVEN Yol IN 3Bedroom attached garage central fenced $OO month TE 11869 PF 8-8565 PE 8:8459 BRYAN TOWNSEN OFFICE LB 5-4325 Payme FOR THIS brick 8 Bob Shober Office WA 1 195 Spacious room i condulot Place CB AR VI II( 154 1-3220 meth A $110 3-Bedroom loot fence TE 11869 BRYAN GI OF FANTAsT HOMER LARGE 32 bricks all built -ins fireplace air Also Hurst Haltom city houses with loans established Builder AnDcriv REALTY BU 2-5956 4BEDROOM 2 baths separate util ity room fireplace all builtins dishwasher varbage disposal central air hest corner lot land seabed 1 year old $17500 Hurst BC 2-5794 EULESS Owner transferred 3-2-den Fireplace wooded lot electric kitchen 3 weeks old S1600 for equity 1915 Tordea BIT 3-17a2 Hey There! Assume FHA loan S9 3 per month Better than new loan 9250 down and will carry second note Move right in 3-bedroom 11'2-bath carpet and air conditioned DON DAVIN REALTOR B11 2-1252 HURST SOO down 2 bricks 3-bed room carport fenced 2110 month and 2-bedroom SOO down SO month Mary Pincher Puler Powell ED 6-7225 FHA down nicely landscaoed covered natio 3-2 den 1213 Mary Dr BU 22903 OWNER sell S1500 below aPPraisalo beautiful wooded lot double garage In back 1600 square foot living space 3- bedroom large den 2 baths wool carpet electric built-ins Excellent location for elementary and Junior high 604 Redbud Hurst Texas Phone BU 2-1115 Miscellaneous Areas 751 WALKING distance downtown nice 3beciroom home located 1918 Sam lids Ave $300 investment Geo Mei lina Co Frank Matto ED 213F8 JE 6-2908 Dui)! xsAptsSale 75JJ 1 Ina '100 Alti Mirt CR 52fi35 MORE MORE readers make AR-TELEGRAM WANT ADS produce BEST respite To place I eds dial the 8-T phone I MORE Orr make SU Al ADS nroduci ads dial th OPEN HOUSES ContemborarY 3bedroom and den everythino 8179OO 5-bedroom and den 2 story thing 2208 square feet $18900 Early American beauty 3-bedroom and study everything 518 5M All in Hilltop His addition In Benbrook our newest recreational area 1308 Cozby South Cr I-1854 JOYee Moore PE 74808 LOVELY 3-bedroom frame wooded lot house and yard Perteet condition 8300 down $611 month ()pal Vincent Realtor BI 11522 B11 34981 BU2-6(142 BUY EQUITY EISSIIMP 5116 month II1U I WVII I 11IiII s1 iU lit" PRI( $IMOO Furnished brick duplex 2708 Adams $7730 Buy equity ivSUIlle balance Both iddex rented Bus id door Kathleen Rouse WA 3-1192 Leander Leander WA 11:31 NO nOWN PAYMENT 2 and 3-bedroom homes ow monthly payments RIVERSIDE edroom frame brick trim neW11 decorated pretty kitchen near bus void sphols UDADIVICK REALTY ED 5-9411 I Have Suburban Lots Aereave 1ccomk HaJtt CR 41738 I ED 2-7722 EE MODEL HOMES FOR SALE FUR SALE Income nroperts Arlington lexaa Inn lex apt from all garage urn In rear Furnitied Can acconunodate 14 college bove Excellent location next to campne of Arlington State College CR 5-1310 IHouses for Sale 75 I IHouses IHouses for Sate 75 I IHouses for Sale 7T1 1 CHECK with ray juneau Sifting Pretty on the front Porch watching the sunset Your fanuly had busv dav fishing skiing and swirnmtng own a year around vacation Choose froai 3 furnished lake front cottoves Fireplaces Priced $6600- $7700 ray luneau Real Estate Merchant 1316 Futess Blvd np 33606 'IT'S A SHAME That you didn't have this for Your 4th of July holiday to play swim aki and boat from your Own dock Beautiful 4benroom 2-bath home all electric kitchen-den Located on Eagle Mt Lake but it's never too bite summer is Mot For you should see this all-year round home Ora Mae Gaulden WA 4-2375 CE 7-2035 Harold Nowlin ED 6-7121 BENBROOK ily New brick homes Nice view close to lake and soli course 1200 block Jolmileagan GRAPEVINE LAKE Acreage for $1100 Acre 2 wooded tracts of 4 and 8 acres north side of Kimball Rd and south of Placid Peninsula Addition Gentle slope to IL Government Land with acess to lake Phone 13113-MO2 Mr Pemherton FD 2-7104 McDONALD Co woornAvn HILLS cossrnucTioN 21(3 lioLLYWO01) DR CR 4-21(r Woreitond West Addnitm In Arlin ton Northeast Side Area 75HH Northeast Side Area 7SHH Northeast Side Area 7SHH 7 NISVIrrIrrIlrfil r111711A Unbelievable Value 14 11 1 UsA itrlt Jaii' 7 $21950 in Mayfair I -r-- 1 CHARM HOMES: By Hrvant tor 1 Nitrhic Pfe 7 BIJ 1-322u Nfghts PE 751 Nort he as NiSkNrir i 23438 I WEST cRowniNG rpor! CHECK I Pa Yments on redecorated 4-bed THE BEY DE A LIFETIME room I'v-storY air-conditioned brick Lovely 3-bedroom den wood-blIM Opal Vincent Realtor I ing fireplace ail electric kitchen Bit 2-1522 Bit 3-4581 EU 2-6042 study AM-FM system large tsood625 I ed lot in Priced to ell Woodcrest Addition Attractive 3 bedroom 2 bath brick air-corditioned 41' kitch- Douglas Haley Builders 1 BU 2-3469 TE 8-7459 en den TREES FHA or GI- PE 7-6075 WIRR OUT down oavment on 1 JACK GUTHRIE REALTOR bedroom brick Large kitchen-den MUST sacrifice brick 1s 3 204 BrimontHur2-2977 st $98 month Sun- home 4-bedroom replace 2 da BU Driskill-Johnson BU 2-3181 baths Assume fi present 9-ear ion Pay $2500 for my equity 813 Cie- PRICK 3-bedroom 2-bath 2-car ga bud Dr Ealess BU 3-3862 rage kitclten-den combination built-ins fenced back yard oentral air MORE circulation MGRE readers beautiful trees Low equity 68 make STAR-TELEGRAM A sionegate Dr Bedford Texas Bij ADS produce BEST results to place 2-1894' ads dial the 8-T phone 612 PANKIN--Trl level 4-bedroom 3-bath brick 2500 square feet ED 2-7722 Pitts 800 feet in 'garage 192500 down Louise Ramsey TE 4-0752 UNITED REALTY TE 1L6180 ADDITION IN ARLINGTON New home tor 11e by owner being transferred 2418 Brentwood Circle (Woodland 3 bedrooms Ihr littg-fitning 2 baths central air heat Builtin this kitchen room of 2car garage dttrioni Ion comet shaded natio off kitchen and den Rrick fireplace in Mine led den Large back yard chain link fence lawn's in lots cabinetcloset soace Located end of circle safe for kids City pas limo in front s114150 johnston CR5-4238 Annointment 01113 Trade For Your Equity Pot a summer conditioned home now to eying throuhth the hottest month of the sear All 'WI modent on sulP and math for immediate occurianck t2 IBedford-Euless-Hurst 7511 7511 ZONING WEST SIDE 12-unit furnished brick am fully occupied with waiting list near bus howl banks etc CI 4-0040 CE 7-2322 A purvisRealtor PE 2-4442 Lovely brick ants turnished 3 rages extra lot Jewel Davis RNWIT PE 7-6066 TRIPLEX at 1530 6th Ave 10 condition 2 lots on corner DUPLEX and cottage-1100 block Hjrtcy full furnhhed new roof ED 5-1337 Elliot ED 2-2012 CLARK HENRY REALTORS' SOUTH SIDE Triplex reduced from 67500 to $6250 WA 3-9278 4-UNIT brick ant house 16 rooms 2 apts furnished Onlv SA 950 5442 room 2-room garage apts donble garage 67500 Gallagher WA 6-1727 ROOMS 2 baths chain link fence near Southwestern Seminary flood borne or investment $6900 Can be shown after 6 I) weekdays WA 34128 4408 Sandage POLY brick Molex Reduced All rented furnished $8000 Terms or $7 500 same twice JE 5-5421 MAKE offer on furniiihed duplex TE 87046 4 UNI'l brick poi filrside nice-iv furnished wall-to-wall carPeting senarate meters On bus Owner 4-017 Minlex 5 rooms bath each side well locaird or Ave Mayes Real Estate jt 4-7533 MORE MORE readers make la AR -'IELEGRAM WANT ADS nroduce BEsT resuita To bine ads dial the S-T phone :1 I 1 i 1 i' 1 1 :1 1 1 1 1 I i 1 o-I liktt111 ANNA St 54 tap DOWN AS gro LOW eks 141 "----'11 CUSTOM BURT ERICK HOMES DIRECTIONS Out Demon Highway to 411 Stanley Keller Road pri DIRECTIONS Out Demon Hghwoy tr 4100 StCm ley Koller Rood Driv rriPA-41vkALL io DOWN As LOW (6 CUSTOM BURT RICKHOMES 11 --n 110444 SitaxAr ifer2W -jit Otevekas satmewA 00 I Vt- polf titiV2 -igt irits It cmi EA Wit iiiracies Z3to 1117tiSP with ray juneau Honeymoon Over? gLots of kids? Need space? Want charm and quality? Need to be close to shops and school? on a budget? Bet Looking tor low down payment? won Solve all these and have a hhoney-moon too with this brick home down FHA Jog ray 1 uneau Real Estate Merchant t1 1316 Eu leas Blvd BU 3-4600 railfla 3BEDROON1 brick in Stonegate Mg beautiful terraced yard rock gar- 11111 den wooded double garage cen- trot air Sillail down assuine loam BU 2-6412 ore141 SEE THESE new homes large 3- lb i bedroom brteks den 2 baths all 0 builtins fireplace air accent trades 700-704 Erigebill Hurst 506 11Beg Dunaway it71-01 PE 7-7612 Driskell la Co PE 2-0198 ilk594 I ONLY ONE LEFT! f711 ASBESTOS siding it bedrooms Nr- bitat-in StOVe PaYMPIlig 1111(1Pr S7(1 I AT 4-8004 Blue Star AT 4-0049 14111 riv4 0 i I 4i DOWN PER MONTH PAYS EVERYTHING MSZCZWankamtWWWZO' 3 Bedrooms Central Heat Prepared for Air 2 Full Paths Candotioning Kitchen-Den li Insulator! Wnile oat Central Heat Prepared for Air stas Conditioning ten Insulated Walls Lake Arlington Highlands Take Sour :103 to Arlington mil Golf course follow FiVn to Lake Arlington Highlands (Den 1 oclock We have rentais In choice locations In ArlinaLon Anne Post AT4-8000 a Ceiling CLOSE TO SCHOOLS CHURCHES AND SHOPPING "DRIVE OUT" TODAY re 1 i 0' fi I 4c 15Sr17 4'77 Akt -''11 I tt' ''''1 ''1 'Y' ::4 frii 1 vi 51 r1 lei 1v- 4J --'n't Luxury Front Eagle Mt Lake- Price Reduced Executive's 3hed room and den 3-bath bricK home COW rill heat and air carpeted guest boue fki A 64141 deWPI Dn Realtor PE 766 OPEN HOUSE TO 6 CHOU rAHA ION Overlooking Eagle Monntuin Loke 3bedroom antique brick 2 baths sialtlvci den paneled with brained ceiling and stone fireplace now ble garaae alo paneled RII-e1PC VIC kitchen folly insulated ad conditioned fle well with PIN' Inc pump A beautiful place for $2375a PE 8-2929 Whittle-r MA 66153 OWNER TRANSFERRED THIS ATTRACTIVE ppaart Vacant and priced to sell 32 den built -In kitchen brick on acre with huge trees Overlooks large area of lake 619750 Jock Snow PE 85747 Pov Burch WA 43121 MARGIE BURCH CO Elf 6-4451 bloci Turn left Ott six blot 1 to Bonner Hoine5 4909 Steirdey Keller Rood TE 4-6955 1-0114 IR 45633 603 ALASKA low down $87-triondi Bob HOW ei eu 2-1311 BRICK 3 bedrooms 2-baih een tral tIr double Cult Re with washer drYer I kanrowe shelves kitchen Oen And pantry Imaettosher bar and picture win 0114 On to 10VPIV patio with buy trerA Oond neiahborhood close to Ne11001 Shf)Illtilg and arve? a owl Can be FHA financed $15250 CR 4-4564 WOODED LOTS BRICKS ail electric kitchen int) per cent nylon carpet Texas size den and fireplace air Over 1800 square feet Paces unbelievable! AT 4-8014 Blue Star AT 4-0049 READY FOR MARKET $450 down CA JOANNA DR Early' American ceninti air fireplace excellent locanon Bt 1-1956 Pat Hill AT 4-0034 7 'qui 91 rill IT a i THE PRIDEMORE 1715 SQ FT $12950 An brick builtin range bar and vanity paneled den with beamed ceiling Between Richland Hills end Hurst on the GlenviewPipeline Road JOY HOMES 811 1-0870 TE 8-0751 ED 2-7722 1414 all A IP' 1114Adi 0441rAlathAt itidiceattitak ilkbAkAllak6A Fi 4 A 441 ice.
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